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Sound therapy is a complementary medicine designed to work alongside orthodox medicine.

Before each session, the practitioner will ask the client about their medical history and any current health problems. The practitioner will then adapt their treatment accordingly, using relaxing or stimulating sounds to try to rebalance the body. (tuning forks, gongs, drums, bells, bowls, flutes and the human voice can be used)

Sound therapy is said to help not only physical illness, but also help balance the emotions and instill inner peace. Most people feel calm and relaxed following treatment. For some, this feeling will last several days. Sound healing professionals practice in hospitals, schools, nurseries, birthing centers, rehabilitation facilities and retirement communities.

Some conditions that sound healing can influence include these:

  • Well-being for the elderly
  • Back pain
  • Migraines
  • Hyperactivity (ADHD)
  • Injury recovery
  • Pain management
  • Emotional Stress

I have known Ray Stewart for over a decade both professionally and personally. As a physician and mental health provider it is crucial that I find healing arts practitioners who I can trust and who have the expertise to be collaborative colleagues in my work. Ray Stewart is such a provider who brings to the table more than just his skill but also an extraordinary level of depth and integrity. He has a lifetime of dedication to personal development and to serving his community around issues of social justice, supporting diversity, and political collaboration. In his work, Ray brings to the table a deep spiritual commitment to creating sacred space as well as the skill to create a safe emotional container for healing. He is an artist and musician who is able to attune to sound in his instruments and the body. His work is magic that transmits joy through his hands and his spirit.

– Jim Ashe M.D. Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry Board Certified in Adult Psychiatry and Neurology